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Oracle Business Intelligence

A unique platform that enables customers to uncover new insights and make faster, more informed business decisions by offering agile visual analytics and self-service discovery together with best-in-class enterprise analytics. Instant mobile, highly interactive dashboards, powerful operational reporting, just-in-time alerts, content and metadata search, strategy management, native access to Big Data sources, sophisticated in-memory computing, and streamlined systems management combine to make Oracle BI a comprehensive solution that reduces the total cost of ownership and increases return on investment for the entire organization.

Business Benefits

  1. Reduces risk by ensuring data integrity and reliability between source and target systems
  2. Improves business insight through real-time BI reporting
  3. Reduces barriers to sharing data by offering standard BI access to application-proprietary data
  4. Consistency Check validates that metadata has been correctly modeled for use by the BI Server


  1. User Interface Personalization
  2. Web Catalog and security Administration
  3. Performance, Availability and Scalability
  4. Sharing Analysis Online
  5. Powerful Ad-Hoc Analysis
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